It All Comes Back To You

West Virginia’s local Solid Waste Authorities can help you learn about local recycling program options and solid waste collection services.

We look forward to making a difference - together.

To sign up for future information from the Recycling Coalition of WV, register your email below:

Teacher Lesson Plans Align to WV Department of Education Content Standards and Objective’s (CSOs) and may be used for across–curriculum instruction.

2024 Recycling Lesson Plans

2024 Special Investigations  

Recycling Newspaper In Education

Plus a 2024 Coloring Contestfor students K-3andFreedom Contest students 4-12th grades and the ReFashion Showis open to everyone.

At Recycling Coalition of WV, Inc. we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.

But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now. 

Lessons may be modified in order to be grade level appropriate and used at different grade levels.
  1. Recycling Lesson Plan 1 - Don’t Waste the Moment 
    Driving question- How much of the waste which is thrown away in the school cafeteria may be composted or recycled?

  2. Recycling Lesson Plan #2 – One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure
    Driving question – What does waste disposal cost anyway?

  3. Recycling Lesson Plan #3 – Waste Not Want Not
    ​Driving question – How does a compost pile reduce waste?

  4. Recycling Lesson Plan #4 – Reclaiming and Replacing
    Driving question – What happens to garbage when it leaves the school or my house?

  5. Recycling Investigations Lesson - include text dependent questions, provide graphical representations of data, prompt students with investigations, and may be used across the curriculum instruction. Lessons may be modified in order to be used at different grade levels. 

West Virginia recycling in your area? Click here

Have more questions?
Educational Resources

Learn About Recycling Here!